I don’t know much yet, but I hope to find out.
Spouse-man and I were involved in this last Saturday where boatloads, trainloads and carloads of people showed up; rumor has it, about 12,000. Our jobs? Trash and TP, and a variety of other "maintenance" tasks. Our tasks, really, are irrelevant and not worth mentioning any more than this except to set the scene of how Spouse-man ended up where he did.
Spouse-man was out in the middle; middle of the church foyer, middle of the building, I don’t know, except he was in the line of sight of someone told to search for "anyone in a green vest".
"Can you escort Nathan?"
And off Spouse-man went to push around this man in a wheel chair for the next 3-4 hours – in the crowds, in the heat, in the sun. I found him at some point doing his other tasks, probably while Nathan was parked at a venue, and he mentioned that he was escorting a man in a wheelchair – I thought I detected displeasure. My first thought was "this is going to so piss him off, he will never step foot into another volunteer capacity ever again".
I caught up with him toward the end of this adventure where I spotted him from a distance pushing Nathan along; the first time I saw him. Spouse-man introduced me to Nathan, who, as I discovered, was quite limited in his ability to communicate. I realized after happily greeting Nathan that I was asking questions that he was so desperately trying to communicate an answer to - that he fumbled for his computer screen. It broke my heart. I hugged him. Soon after Nathan’s ride arrived and he went on with his life.
I am in awe at what God put before Spouse-man. Nathan was escorted to several different stages over this time where they listened to music for a bit. If I have my facts right Spouse-man pushed his wheelchair across half of the 70 acres of dirt and grass, ruts and holes to the Main stage. And, he helped Nathan in his complete state of vulnerability with a bathroom break.
As Spouse-man was recapping for me yesterday, he told me all of this and other bits and pieces of his time with Nathan. He specifically said "Those were my difficulties. Not my complaints." I asked who assigned Nathan to Spouse-man, and he answered "God did."
This is the hi-lite of my entire 16 hour day at this event. It renewed my amazement at just how detailed and specific God puts His hand into our lives. I don’t know how this was hand tailored for Spouse-man - although I’d like to think I am clever enough to know – and I certainly don’t know how it touched Nathan. For me? I found more understanding of Spouse-man and his capabilities. So often I want God to change things in Spouse-man right now because of my own discomfort or for my convenience. But a number of years ago? Or in his previous life with The Mother? – I didn’t see him, or imagine him, in any kind of place or space or time or position to escort a man around named Nathan in a wheel chair. Spouse-man has come a million miles in the last several years. Thank you, Nathan. Thank you, God.
Posted by: Joel Frederick | Jul 28, 2008 at 08:05 PM
Super cool. Thanks for the recap and perspective!
Posted by: Rob | Jul 28, 2008 at 09:55 PM
This is awesome. I am praying for you both!
And? Trash, TP and other maintenance tasks were as important as the tasks that the rest of us were involved with, possibly even more important and I thank you for your willingness to do them.
Posted by: Tulip Girl | Jul 29, 2008 at 08:32 AM
Gave me goosebumps... and made me all teary-eyed, dangit. Where's that strawberry shortcake when I need it?
I'm glad Nathan got to see that side of Spouse-Man. I'm glad YOU got to see that side of Spouse-Man. God is sooooo cool, isn't He?
Posted by: Stephanie | Jul 29, 2008 at 04:34 PM
What a great story, Donna! It's amazing to see God's fingerprints all over this one. It was awesome to watch you guys in action on Saturday - the Hansons definitely make a great team. :-)
Posted by: Carol Ann | Jul 29, 2008 at 07:07 PM
What an incredible story! I don't know either of you guys just super well, but there is something about John that just makes me want to hug him! Apparently, it's this side of him that my spirit sees. LOVE IT.
On the trash front - you guys ROCKED IT! I heard so many comments from concert goers on how they never saw an overflowing trash, how clean the grounds were etc. Awesome!
Posted by: Stefane | Jul 30, 2008 at 08:59 AM
Thanks for sharing that personal moment. Isn't God awesome? He does care about all the details. What's really amazing is that we are like a microbe to Him and yet he still wants to have a personal relationship. He wants to chip away at us to make us the jewel He wants us to become!!!
Posted by: Marj | Jul 30, 2008 at 11:12 AM
Oh, Donna-this is one of the MOST beautiful stories of the hundreds and hundreds I am hearing...
Posted by: J | Jul 30, 2008 at 05:45 PM
Beautiful. I'm crying at how God is so amazing to do EVERY little thing He had planned...we could never have done this alone.
Posted by: Tara Powers | Jul 30, 2008 at 08:06 PM
Wow Donna, this one brought my tears...it is so amazing how God orchastrates in ways "we" could never imagine. This is one of those just show-up moments and let God have his way with you...and you guys thought it was just going to be tp and trash...HeavenFest was truly Gods day, and all the many things he did there with us, through us, and for us but most of all it was for HIM and his Glory!!! WOW and the stories keep pouring in as his spirit was poured out ALL OVER the place!!! and still continues with the ripple effect....This is just so moving to me!
Posted by: Toyja | Aug 01, 2008 at 07:29 PM